Thursday 15 October 2020

Rangga, A Child Hero


At the doorway of Mecca* it happened surprisingly

A young named Rangga, passed away of this world

In the tenth, he decided to sacrifice his life bravely

Protecting his mother from the dangers of the world


That night, it was so quiet, then they fell asleep

Their own single house is in the middle of the field

It’s so far from neighbors and it was so dark around

The last night with his mother and then lied down


Suddenly a cruel rapist, a stupid killer came in

Settles to settle entered the house with a sword

Forcing his mother to receive his love, raped in

But she rejected as it’s forbidden by The Lord


"Run, run, save yourself" the mother asked

"No mom, let me take care of you", he said

The criminal mercilessly stabbed him directly

injured his head, chest, hand, “ouch it hurts me”


Goodbye a heaven boy, the true fighter of life

You always inspire us, the real man protects

Caring parents makes our life will be perfect

I do believe God bless you forever in afterlife



*aka Aceh, the province in Sumatra Island of Republic of Indonesia.


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