Friday 24 May 2024

Friendship, everything in life

In this world, full of twists and turns,
Where the bridges we cross sometimes burn,
There's one thing I've come to know,
Friendship's the seed that helps us grow.

Friendship's everything in life,
Through the laughter and the strife.
It's the hand that pulls you through,
In the good times and the blue.

When the storms rage and the winds howl,
And you feel like you're gonna drown,
There's a friend with a steady hand,
To help you rise and stand.

Friendship's everything in life,
Through the laughter and the strife.
It's the light that guides you home,
When you feel lost and alone.

It's the bond that never breaks,
Through the highs and the heartaches.
Like a song that never ends,
It's the love that's true, my friend.

Friendship's everything in life,
Through the laughter and the strife.
It's the strength that makes us whole,
In this journey, heart and soul.

So let's raise a toast tonight,
To the friendships burning bright.
For in the end, when all is said,
It's the love of friends that we'll tread.

Friday 5 February 2021

A Letter for Dayana Assembayeva

Dear my beloved sister, Dayana.
I personally mean, to write this letter,
Because we've heard the confidence of your heart,
that you wish to leave this nice and beautiful world.

Dayana, you are very good-hearted Kazakh girl,
It saddens all of us, your follower actually.
We know that you are a tough life fighter,
Please, get rid of your intention and we are proud of you.

Dayana, my sister whom we really love and respect.
Living in this world, we face many big problems actually.
The reality of life is not an excuse to leave this world.
For that, let us face the life obstacle gallantly.

I know, one of your complicated problems is marrying him.
I understand, at that time, you were just pleasantries to fiki naki.
However, I understand that you have already fallen in love with him
I feel you do miss a well-known Indonesian YouTuber, your idol, Fiki.

I know that being married is something sacred and it must be serious
Now that hesitation of your heart becomes your nightmare, always
You are still very young, and busy to study for your better future
So,  getting married too early is something impossible, for you

Dayana, my sister whom we really respect and love.
If marrying him is a problem and a burden in your life
Just tell your heart, never feel afraid and depressed
Your decision is your best way for your better future life

Many of us understand and understand about your decision
Even though there are many who don't accept and hate you
My sister Dayana, many will bully and jeer at you
However, keep excitedly passing your beautiful life, steadfast

Dayana, my sister whom we really respect and love.
We thank you for being entertained by your charm.
We are all happy and always support your decision.
The spirit of enjoying best life of very nice world.

Your supporters,
mike goner

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Being Vaccinated

"getting vaccinated, implementing health protocols, praying and relying on God are one of  the best human efforts. Preventing is better than curing. the endeavor means grateful"

I hope this virus disappears
so that we are all saved


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